The Battle of Bladensburg Website

Congratulations on making it here - so hard to find!

This is the third iteration on making a Bladensburg Battle website. The other sites using the Angelfire host had too many, and too ugly, pop-ups.

Information about how Bladensburg is only now, in the year 2014, showing any interest in the "War of 1812"

Below are seven selectable pages about the battle itself, each having descriptive text and an amplifying illustrations featuring HTF Swappables which are 54mm multi-pose figures.

And keep in mind that Heritage Toy Figures sells historical model figures such as those seen in all the beautiful illustrations here.
They are called "Swappables" because you can detach parts, like heads and arms, and put in different ones. You can also pose the Swappables into different positions since most joints are movable!
Check out The HTF website front page for more information and details.